Please click on the orange button below to download the program at the glance.


The content to fill the program above is separated in six Themes. These Themes form the core of the conference. A description of the themes can be found below.

Chemistry at the Molecular Frontiers
Co-chairs: Rienk Eelkema (NL) & Alan Rowan (AU)
Members: Lee Cronin (UK), Tom de Greef (NL), Nathalie Katsonis (NL), Pierangelo Metrangolo (IT), Marzio Rancan (IT), Andreas Walther (DE)

Complex reaction networks govern all processes of Life. Chemistry as a discipline is moving from a focus on molecules to a focus on collections of molecules and the emergence of molecular complexity. This means that we need to understand how to study and control complex systems, how to create function… Can we interface molecular systems with electronic systems? With living systems?

Keywords: Systems chemistry, new computational and analytical tools, introduce big data/AI into organic synthesis and the study of complex systems, neuromorphic computing, interface with biology, supramolecular chemistry

Chemistry related to Health
Co-chairs: Ingrid Dijkgraaf (NL) & Andreas Bender (UK)
Members: Kim Bonger (NL), Geert van den Boogaart (NL), Stephan Hacker (NL), Bert Janssen (NL), Sierin Lim (SG), Jenny Malmström (NZ), Christina Schroeder (USA), Dirk Slotboom (NL), Albert Wong (NL)

Chemistry is indispensable to improve global human health as it enables us to unravel basic (patho)physiologal molecular mechanisms, develop better diagnostics, and design advanced therapeutics. In the Health track of the IUPAC|CHAINS 2023 conference, the current and future global health challenges and how recent advances in chemistry contributed to improve human health will be presented and discussed.

Keywords: Chemical Biology, medicinal Chemistry, immunology, diagnostics, biochemistry, membranes, proteomics, analytical Chemistry, molecular modelling, computational chemistry, smart materials, regenerative materials, biopolymers

Chemistry related to Sustainability
Co-chairs: Joost Reek (NL) & Regina Palkovits (DE)
Members: Katalin Barta Weissert (AT), Katrien Bernaerts (NL), Pieter Bruijnincx (NL), Gert-Jan Gruter (NL), Syuzanna Harutyunyan (NL), Frank Hollmann (NL), Arjan Kleij (ES), Timothy Noël (NL), Alessandra Quadrelli (FR), Erwin Reisner (UK), Liane Rossi (BR), Pietro Tundo (IT)

The transition to a sustainable society represents an enormeous challenge. The climate change dictates that we need to rapidly reduce the use of fossile fuels, the chemical industry needs to transition to biobased feedstock and the increasing contamination of plastic in the envrionment shows that we need to rethink our use and (re-use) of these type of materials. At the same time, the access to materials to achieve this, such as those based on rare metals, is limited. These challenges set the stage for academic research in the development of novel chemical processes that are selective, waste free, and of energy friendly. New direction in this area will be at the core of this part of the IUPAC conference.

Keywords: Climate change, energy transition, plastics, catalysis, recycling/circularity, renewable materials, CO2 utilisation, electrochemistry, toxicology, (waste) water purification, photocatalysis, new processes, LCA, process technology, chemical conversion, biotechnology

Smart & Energy Materials
Co-chairs: Beatriz Noheda (NL) & Ram Seshadri (USA)
Members: Wesley Browne (NL), Mariona Coll (ES), Henrik Hovde Sønsteby (NO), Mark Huijben (NL), Guowei Li (CN), Azahara Luna-Triguero (NL), Janne-Mieke Meijer (NL), Monique van der Veen (NL), Maksym Yarema (CH), Julia Zaikina (USA)

The Smart and Energy Materials theme addresses the design, synthesis, and characterization of materials that display enhanced response to external stimuli and are optimally suited for applications in electrochemistry, electronics, optoelectronics, and electromechanics. These include materials and meta-materials for energy storage, hydrogen production, photovoltaics, energy-harvesting, electrochromic applications, sensing, and actuating. Besides materials synthesis, computational and theoretical developments for materials design, and advanced characterization techniques will also be emphasized. The theme is broadly interested in addressing current challenges in understanding of the effects of the atomic structure, nano- and mesoscale architecture, surface properties, defect generation, (meta-)stability, and kinetics on the desired properties.

Keywords: Materials for energy and sustainability, energy efficiency, smart and responsive materials, catalysis, design & synthesis, electrochemistry, energy conversion & storage, materials for adaptable & self-learning functionalities, operando spectroscopy/diffraction

Ethics, Education & Society
Co-chairs: Patricia Osseweijer (NL) & Julian Kinderlerer (ZA)
Members: Graham Dutfield (UK), Felix Ho (SE), Peter Hotchkiss (USA), Dina Maniar (NL), Marietjie Potgieter (ZA), David Resnik (USA), Markus Schmidt (AT), Lotte Schreuders (NL)

In the theme Ethics, Education and Society we reflect on the responsibility and education of chemical scientists to consider the appropriateness of new chemicals for societal problems, their (dual) use and production process as well as moral issues in the value chain such as benefit sharing, social development, environmental issues and safety. Considerations could include efforts on ethics by design and on ethics in design and whether these should impact the research lab or only the development phases for commercialisation. Novel approaches such as ‘Safe-by-Design’, ‘Value-Sensitive-Design’ and ‘Responsible Research Innovation or Inclusion’ could be discussed as well as methods for education and communication. Juridical issues will also be considered.

Keywords: Societal problems, global challenges, moral issues, SDG’s, dual-use, open science, diversity, education

Young Program
Co-chairs: Koen van den Helder (NL), João Borges (PT) & Maximilian Menche (DE)
Members: Tes Apeldoorn (NL), Claudia Bonfio (IT/FR), Patrick Fritz (CH), Torsten John (DE), Eva Meeus (NL), Fatima Mustafa (JO)

During IUPAC|CHAINS2023, a special emphasis is put on young scientists. The International Younger Chemists Network (IYCN), the European Young Chemists’ Network (EYCN) and the Young Royal Netherlands Chemical Society (Jong KNCV) have joined forces to provide an inspiring program with diverse sessions aimed at building and broadening the network, improving the (21st-century) skillset and boosting the career development of early-career chemists worldwide.

Keywords: 21st-Century skills, networking, personal development, soft skills, IYCN, EYCN, Young KNCV, next generation, early-career chemists, professional development

General Assembly

From 18-25 August the IUPAC General Assembly also takes place in the World Forum. More information about the IUPAC General Assembly can be found here.

Registration for the General Assembly can be done via the regular registration form.